
Building Blocks for Learning

Nails, hammers and protective head gear are par for the course on a building site, but now at Learning Adventures Levin, you can find all this and more.

The centre has just opened a new carpentry area for its over 2s – the perfect space for children to develop their problem solving skills and learn important concepts like balance, force and measurement.

“We allow four children at a time in this exciting new space,” says centre manager  Kaya Broughton.

“Teachers role model wearing safety gear and one teacher supervises and works alongside the children to support their building.”

The new carpentry zone has been a huge hit, not just with the children but also their parents.

“The children really love the opportunity to get in there and hammer in some nails, and it has been lovely to see parents’ enthusiasm also. For instance, it was really nice when Lana-Rose’s dad Jeff came to pick her up recently and stayed on to support her with her construction project.”