Our Rooms

Learning Adventures Levin operates four separate rooms, enabling us to deliver safe, nurturing and age appropriate learning experiences for all our children.

Paua Room

This room caters for the youngest members of our Learning Adventures family, up to around 18 months of age. Here our softly spoken Kaiako focus on building relationships with our babies and their whanau. Kaiako work hard to ensure they are upholding routines similar to home and meeting the needs of our babies by being in tune with their cues and upholding the wishes of their parents.

Daily Routine

9:00 am: Settling children

9:15 am: Morning karakia

9:30 am: Morning tea

10:00 am: Activities

11:00 am: Lunch

12:00 pm: Sleep/free play inside and outside

1:00 pm: Catering for individual child’s routine and needs

2:00 pm: Afternoon snack

2:30 pm: Tidy up time and children prepare to join Kakapo Room

This routine is flexible to meet children’s needs throughout the day.  Children sleep and have bottles as required for their individual routine, and meal times are also flexible depending on their needs. Learning experiences are provided throughout the day. Nappies are checked every two hours, before children go to sleep, when they wake up, and then again before they go home, as per centre policy.

Kakapo Room

In the Kakapo Room we continue the focus of building and sustaining meaningful relationships with our whanau and tamariki. Kaiako support tamariki to share with one another and learn that it is okay if our friends want to sit alongside us and join in with play too. At this young age it is all about social interactions, routine and having fun. Our fun-loving and friendly Kaiako work hard to observe, plan and extend on the interests of our tamariki.

Daily Routine

9:00 am: Settling children

9:15 am: Morning karakia

9:30 am: Morning tea

10:00 am: Activities

11:00 am: Lunch

12:00 pm: Sleep/free play inside and outside

1:00 pm: Catering for individual child’s routine and needs

2:00 pm: Afternoon snack

2:30 pm: Tidy up time and children prepare to join Kakapo Room

This routine is flexible to meet children’s needs throughout the day.  Children sleep and have bottles as required for their individual routine, and meal times are also flexible depending on their needs. Learning experiences are provided throughout the day. Nappies are checked every two hours, before children go to sleep, when they wake up, and then again before they go home, as per centre policy.

Kiwi Room

Our Kiwi Room caters for our children up to 4 years old and is staffed by dynamic Kaiako who keep our tamariki engaged, happy and inspired. Kaiako support children to participate in centre routes, and they teach them to care for themselves, others and the environment around them. Growing vegetables in our centre garden is one of the many things this room does best!

Daily Routine

7:00 am: Room opens

  • All children get dropped off in the Kiwi Room
  • Breakfast
  • Free play inside and outside

8:30 am: Other rooms open

  • Tidy up and children go to their classes

9:15 am: Morning karakia in Kakapo Room

9:30 am: Handwashing and morning tea

10:00 am: Free play inside and outside

10:30 am: Nappies

11:15 am: Mat time

11:30 am: Handwashing and lunch time

11.45 am: Free play inside and outside

12:30 pm: Sleep time for those sleeping/nappies

2:00 pm: Tidy up outside area

2:30 pm: Afternoon tea

3:00 pm: Most children go home, free play inside and outside

4:00 pm: Late snack

4:45 pm: Rooms combine for end of the day

This routine is flexible to meet children’s needs throughout the day.  Children sleep and have bottles as required for their individual routine, and meal times are also flexible depending on their needs. Learning experiences are provided throughout the day. Nappies are checked every two hours, before children go to sleep, when they wake up, and then again before they go home, as per centre policy.

Tui Room

Our Tui Room is where our Kaiako plan and implement small structured activities that prepare tamariki and whanau for the next phase of their learning journey – primary school. Following on from the centre gardening in the Kiwi Room, our Tui tamariki are taught about healthy lunchboxes and encouraged to bring their own lunchboxes in once a month. Tamariki enjoy regular excursions out into the community and a strengthening partnership with neighbouring St Joseph’s School.

Daily Routine

9:00 am: Welcome time, discussion about what we’ll be doing today

9:15 am: Karakia with centre whanau

9:30 am: Morning tea

  • Toast and fruit
  • Children use tongs and self-serve with support

9:45 am: Free play/activity time

  • Outside play including sandpit, water, running, climbing and jumping
  • Tables are set with activities the children have chosen
  • Arts and crafts available
  • Scissors and pencils provided for cutting and writing skills
  • Teacher-led activities to extend skills, knowledge and attitude

11:15 am: Tidy up time and mat time

  • Storytelling
  • Dance and movement

11.30 am: Lunch time

  • Children wash their hands and sit with their placemat at the table
  • Children clear the space when finished, and put their cup and plate away

12:00 pm: Free play

  • Same as our morning free play session but different activities are used

2:15 pm: Tidy up inside and outside, followed by small mat time

  • Social or emotional skills games
  • Physical games

2:30 pm: Afternoon tea

2:45 pm: Children pack their bags, followed by small mat time

  • Children talk about what their favourite part of the day was

3:00 pm: Head to the Kiwi Room

This routine is flexible to meet children’s needs throughout the day.  Children sleep and have bottles as required for their individual routine, and meal times are also flexible depending on their needs. Learning experiences are provided throughout the day. Nappies are checked every two hours, before children go to sleep, when they wake up, and then again before they go home, as per centre policy.