
We are happy with the activities and the progress Patrisse has made. She loves attending day care and we are confident she will eventually get there with her continued learning and development. Thank you for all the hard work helping her to develop so many strengths at just 2 years old! We appreciate you all very much.

Pat and Abi Kapi

Your centre actively and consistently works well with my children, and they are happy and learning a lot.

Learning Adventures Mangere East Parent

I think your centre is actively and consistently working very well with my children. My children are happy and learning a lot here. We are happy with activities and progress my child has made. She loves attending day care, thank you for all your hard work and helping my child develop so many strengths! We appreciate you all very much!

Learning Adventures Mangere East Parent

You all have done great things for my child. I appreciate everything you have done. II think Learning Adventures Mangere East is doing a great job with my children. They are always learning and interacting. Every day when I pick them up they are waiting with a big smile! They are also always happy, clean and have full stomachs. 

Learning Adventures Mangere East Parent

Waireti has excelled significantly since attending Learning Adventures. Her speech as improved a lot. She loved socialising with her friends and looks forward to going to Learning Adventures everyday. The staff are always encouraging of Waireti and this is evident in her interaction with staff. 

Thank you Learning Adventures for teaching and loving our little princess. 

Learning Adventures Managere East Parent

I have great pleasure having Manui being enrolled in your centre. It's a nice location and set up. Manui really enjoys all the activities and all of the teachers. Manui has learnt alot of things; dancing, singing, colouring and writing. 

As for my experience, I am always being updated via Storypark activities that she is doing. 

We really appreciate your care 
