NZ Mural Contest and Arts Festival in Katikati

This month the Learning Adventures Katikati children have been involved with the New Zealand Mural Contest and Arts Festival which celebrated the theme "The Future is our Children".
Everyone at the centre was very busy:
• Decorating a "children together" chain, where the children were encouraged to replicate what they see and what they know.
• Creating a photo board illustrating precious moments in a child's learning.
• Entering the sculpture competition. Children used their imagination to create an original sculpture for display: Birds of a feather, fly together.
• Putting together a Mad Hatters Tea Party which included making hats and cupcakes (using our knowledge of maths and science concepts!)
Through this project the children have been able to express their thoughts and ideas through their imagination and creativity while acknowledging where they live. This gives children a sense of belonging, community and empowerment of things they know and what they can achieve.
At the Festival closing night, we were awarded with the Highly Commended and the Peoples Choice Certificate along with a lovely cheque for $250 :) The organisers of the Festival really appreciated our centre's involvement in the community and popped in the the centre to shout the children a yummy morning tea. This was such a lovely and very unexpected surprise as we had only entered some of the competitions for fun and to be a part of the festivities.